Tattoo and bone marrow donation

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Hello everyone!
I hope this is a good sub to ask this question; if not, I apologies and does anyone know where I could ask this?
So, when I went to the doctor to enter the list of bone marrow donors, I saw that a recent tattoo was an obstacle to enlist. My question is, if, once you are in the list, you do get a tattoo and by coincidence you get a call in the months just after that, does that make the donation utterly impossible for a few months? Or do doctors put you through extra exams if a patient needs the donation?
I would like to get a tattoo but I don't want it to interfere with a potential donation.


Hi Caecillia, I don't really know about bone marrow donation, but I think that Dr Marceau will be able to answer you soon. What I can suggest to you is to ask this question to Ellye website (formerly: France Lymphome Espoir), and what I know from my personal experience and what my oncologist told me is that when you are affected by a blood cancer (lymphoma, leukemia,....) a lot of things are banned during the treatement, such as hair colors, false nails (because of the glue), tatoo...
Have a nice day.

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Dr A.Marceau

Sorry Caecillia but I do not have the answer to your question. I think the best is to ask the doctor who entered you in the list.
Dr A.Marceau

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You will be given anesthesia to block the pain during the marrow donation. If general anesthesia is used, you will be unconscious during the donation. If you receive regional anesthesia (either spinal or epidural), medication will block sensation in the affected area, but you will remain aware of your surroundings. General anesthesia is used for about 96% of NMDP marrow donors. The average time of anesthesia is less than 2 hours. .
During the marrow donation, you will be lying on your stomach. While the donation varies slightly from hospital to hospital, generally, the doctors use special, hollow needles to withdraw liquid marrow (where blood-forming cells are made) from both sides of the back of the pelvic bone. The incisions are less than one-fourth inch long and do not require stitches

Hospital staff will watch you closely until the anesthesia wears off, and continue to monitor your condition afterwards. Most donors go home the same day or the next morning. After you leave the hospital, we will contact you on a regular basis to ask about your physical condition and any side effects you are experiencing .

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